Paketname | libmoosex-types-structured-perl |
Beschreibung | Moose extension for type constraints on structured types |
Archiv/Repository | Offizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main) |
Version | 0.23-1 |
Sektion | perl |
Priorität | optional |
Installierte Größe | 164 Byte |
Hängt ab von | perl, libdevel-partialdump-perl (>= 0.13), libmoosex-types-perl (>= 0.22), libmoose-perl (>= 1.08), |
Empfohlene Pakete | |
Paketbetreuer | Debian Perl Group |
Quelle | |
Paketgröße | 33354 Byte |
Prüfsumme MD5 | 2f0e0bae1a0707db7b2bde8e262f1898 |
Prüfsumme SHA1 | 7692cad3f814c9726ac9f7b8294ff488a0f90e2c |
Prüfsumme SHA256 | 5c7f7c6b983439471c885d50ab5b5b0cec32cffa39e3eced883903ea4744f3f7 |
Link zum Herunterladen | libmoosex-types-structured-perl_0.23-1_all.deb |
Ausführliche Beschreibung | MooseX::Types::Structured provides structured type constraints for Moose. A
structured type constraint is a standard container Moose type constraint,
such as an ArrayRef or HashRef, which has been enhanced to allow you to
explicitly name all the allowed type constraints inside the structure.