Paketname | libsys-sigaction-perl |
Beschreibung | Perl extension for consistent signal handling |
Archiv/Repository | Offizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main) |
Version | 0.11-1 |
Sektion | perl |
Priorität | optional |
Installierte Größe | 84 Byte |
Hängt ab von | perl (>= 5.6.0-16) |
Empfohlene Pakete | |
Paketbetreuer | Debian Perl Group |
Quelle | |
Paketgröße | 22294 Byte |
Prüfsumme MD5 | b456f5335700e5b995b204d843d638ea |
Prüfsumme SHA1 | 74e8c3db419ea1afe97b5e3780768631545fcec9 |
Prüfsumme SHA256 | 2ccd2a1c79a585bc2940a0f4fe79e6ebf2ba4cb759e7f8fb306f7cc9f99583fa |
Link zum Herunterladen | libsys-sigaction-perl_0.11-1_all.deb |
Ausführliche Beschreibung | Sig::SigAction implements set_sig_handler(), which sets up a signal handler and
(optionally) returns an object which causes the signal handler to be reset to
the previous value, when it goes out of scope.
Also implemented is timeout_call() which takes a timeout value and a code
reference, and executes the code reference wrapped with an alarm timeout.
Finally, two convenience routines are defined which allow one to get the
signal name from the number -- sig_name(), and get the signal number from the
name -- sig_number().