Paketname | libmarc-perl |
Beschreibung | Perl extension to manipulate MAchine Readable Cataloging records |
Archiv/Repository | Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe) |
Version | 1.07-5 |
Sektion | universe/perl |
Priorität | optional |
Installierte Größe | 260 Byte |
Hängt ab von | perl (>= 5.6.0-16) |
Empfohlene Pakete | |
Paketbetreuer | Ubuntu MOTU Developers |
Quelle | |
Paketgröße | 82556 Byte |
Prüfsumme MD5 | 216452d18b8a6f4b684c798f39798c57 |
Prüfsumme SHA1 | 9e64e2020d164756225d51786955e0cc681dd5dc |
Prüfsumme SHA256 | bc436335674574505414137518dc8799b1151198263d5422db35dc6f584a4f1a |
Link zum Herunterladen | libmarc-perl_1.07-5_all.deb |
Ausführliche Beschreibung | is a Perl 5 module for reading in, manipulating, and outputting
bibliographic records in the USMARC format.
. can handle both single and batches of MARC records. The limit on
the number of records in a batch is determined by the memory capacity of
the machine you are running. If memory is an issue for you will
allow you to read in records from a batch gradually. also includes
a variety of tools for searching, removing, and even creating records from