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Beschreibunglibrary to determine DNS server vendor, product and version
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe84 Byte
Hängt ab vonperl, libnet-dns-perl (>= 0.42)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße10270 Byte
Prüfsumme MD52f25fe24cef7869591fbbbc28fa0b268
Prüfsumme SHA1006232997a1cc46ba556351fb2f7d7e5791b70ba
Prüfsumme SHA2565f99a8cf9015646db4b8c226daa4fcfb76a17bb47c183743db056a6db84f2a0d
Link zum Herunterladenlibnet-dns-fingerprint-perl_0.9.3-3_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungIdentifying individual nameserver implementations is based on "borderline" protocol behaviour. The DNS protocol offers a multitude of message bits, response types, opcodes, classes, query types and label types in a fashion that makes some mutually exclusive while some are not used in a query messages at all. . Not every implementation offers the full set of features the DNS protocol set currently has. Some implementations offer features outside the protocol set, and there are implementations that do not conform to standards. . Amongst the servers it is able to identify are: . - VGRS ATLAS - BIND (v4, v8, v9) - eNom DNS - Incognito DNS commander - MARADNS - MS Server NT4/2000/2003 - MyDNS - Net::DNS::Namesever - Nominnum ANS/CNS - NonSequitur DNS - NSD - Oak DNS - Pliant DNS Server - Posadis - PowerDNS - QuickDNS - Rbldnsd - Simple DNS plus - TinyDNS - TotD - UltraDNS - pdnsd - Yaku-NS - DeleGate DNS proxy - sheerdns - dproxy - dnrd - JDNSS - javadns jnamed - Nomde DNS tunnel - Viking DNS server - small HTTP server - Cisco Network Registrar - Netnumber ENUM server - RaidenDNSD - Runtop Implementation - Mikrotik Implementation - Axis Video Network Implementation - Fasthosts Envisage DNS server - WinGate DNS - Ascenvision SwiftDNS - Nortel Networks Instant Internet - Nortel Networks Alteon ACEswitch - Aethra ATOS Stargate ADSL - 3Com Office Connect Remote - 4d WebSTAR - Netopia Implementation - DNS4me - Tzolkin DNS service - jdns javadns service - dents

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