Paketname | libpoe-component-sslify-perl |
Beschreibung | SSL connection handling module for other POE components |
Archiv/Repository | Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe) |
Version | 0.15-1 |
Sektion | universe/perl |
Priorität | optional |
Installierte Größe | 120 Byte |
Hängt ab von | perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libnet-ssleay-perl (>= 1.30) |
Empfohlene Pakete | |
Paketbetreuer | Ubuntu MOTU Developers |
Quelle | |
Paketgröße | 23846 Byte |
Prüfsumme MD5 | c71309169e7e2fe6a91673d34fcc8864 |
Prüfsumme SHA1 | 7591553e90782be32cc1fbcad2f2d2258cd9d684 |
Prüfsumme SHA256 | 67c1713b5fcb7322e0a847b68be5df95a5af483855918f9b23ed21af5cb30287 |
Link zum Herunterladen | libpoe-component-sslify-perl_0.15-1_all.deb |
Ausführliche Beschreibung | POE::Component::SSLify represents the standard way to handle SSL connections
for other POE Components. It allows for the creation of SSL-wrapped sockets,
generally used with POE::Wheel::SocketFactory, which are correctly handled by
the POE engine.