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BeschreibungPerl module to critique code for best practices
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (main)
Installierte Größe2736 Byte
Hängt ab vonperl, libexception-class-perl (>= 1.23), libb-keywords-perl, libconfig-tiny-perl, libfile-spec-perl,
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße886542 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5e6e65e44c4b9b94435cf2a12ede1faae
Prüfsumme SHA104d56a155d1b3301988fade56e311d751eccae4e
Prüfsumme SHA256f958dbb8d0474bbe585e917abbca8be301fb455fd3ddf25d2f1cba64a1b1fb78
Link zum Herunterladenlibperl-critic-perl_1.105-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungPerl::Critic is an extensible framework for creating and applying software coding policies to Perl source code. By default, it is distributed with a number of policy modules that attempt to enforce various coding guidelines, including those discussed in Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices. However, it is not limited to PBP and will even support policies that contradict PBP. You can enable, disable and customize those policies through the Perl::Critic interface. You can also create new Policy modules to suit your own tastes.

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