Paketname | libpod-spell-perl |
Beschreibung | formatter to easy checking the spelling of POD |
Archiv/Repository | Offizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (main) |
Version | 1.01-2 |
Sektion | perl |
Priorität | optional |
Installierte Größe | 108 Byte |
Hängt ab von | perl (>= 5.6.0-16) |
Empfohlene Pakete | |
Paketbetreuer | Ubuntu MOTU Developers |
Quelle | |
Paketgröße | 20904 Byte |
Prüfsumme MD5 | 62f0ed5e81418d9ea0bf12f339371bcb |
Prüfsumme SHA1 | ad39a52c30a484c8eaecc8fcc91995f128b20fa8 |
Prüfsumme SHA256 | 6e3b5ab50121e67fd9ca5baf3149851dd21e35ab98b013dc807f87a76e921992 |
Link zum Herunterladen | libpod-spell-perl_1.01-2_all.deb |
Ausführliche Beschreibung | Pod::Spell is a POD formatter whose output is good for checking the spelling
of the document. Pod::Spell is much like Pod::Text, except that it doesn't
put much effort into actual formatting, and it suppresses things that look
like Perl symbols or Perl jargon (so that your spellchecking program won't
complain about mystery words like "`$thing'" or "`Foo::Bar'" or "hashref").